Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Living now: being present: letting go

I did my Icebreaker speech at Toastmasters last night & I really enjoyed the opportunity to improve my public speaking skills in such a constructive environment.

Well done to Rachel & Karen who did their icebreakers as well (plus big clap for Rachel who was speaker of the night..what a star!)..must be the hairstyle.

Pratik in his speech did a great job of reminding me to 'live fully in the moment' & do your best at everything I do, that way you will have no regrets. Great advice (along with not being a 'football' & accepting people for what they are & not judging).

Seems I have been given several messages in past 24 hours about 'living and being present' because that's actually all we have right now.

I have given up trying to control the future..I am letting go because I am actually powerless over that & I can't change the past..

So Rossco is 'living in the moment' and this is the best blog post I will ever do (for today at least).

What do you think?

Getting better not older.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Magic formula for dealing with disappointment

Chip Conley in his latest book Emotional Equations has a developed a great emotional equation to deal with disappointment & I am sure the Aussie 4 x 100 m swim team will be needing all the support they can get at the moment.

Chip's great equation is Disappointment = Expectations - reality.

Expected to win the Gold Medal, the team came 4th and earned the "leather medal" (4th after the Bronze), which no doubt has created a huge amount of disappointment in the team and around Australia.

So let's see how resilient the swimmers are & how well they bounce back from the disappointment. 

Feelings are impermanent and it is a measure of our intelligence how well we deal with them....I am sure there will be plenty more highs and lows over the next few weeks.


Getting better not older.

How do you use your 168 hours each week?

Granted we all have the same amount of time each week I am really interested in hearing how people allocate their time.

What drives your priorities? 

I have re-organised mine today.

I have committed to do a sprint triathlon in mid-September so it means for me getting smart with my available training time along with the 14 week program to the Pan Pacific Masters Games in November...so today on a early chilly Sunday morning at 6.30 AM I plunged into the cold pool, swam for 20 minutes, rode for 20 mins & then ran 3 kms...it was pretty cool in the water and on the bike and I eventually warmed up while running.

But it set me up for the rest of the day to feel incredibly energised...so I reckon I got a great ROI on my 1 hour of exercise.

What do you think?


Getting better, not older

Friday, 27 July 2012

Inspiring moment of humanity at Olympics Opening

My most touching moment in the spectacular Olympic Opening Ceremony was when the official Olympic Flag Bearers were introduced...

What an amazing group of leaders from all walks of life with their own powerful sense of mission and purpose.......Doreen Lawrence, Haile Gebrselassie, Goodwill Ambassador Sally Backer, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, Shami Chakrabarti, conducter Daniel Barenboim and Brazilian environmentalist Marina Silva: all inspirational examples of what is possible if we fully commit ourselves to some important cause we really believe.

That's unlocking the energy and human potential to make a positive difference in the world...


Getting better not older & feeling inspired by more magic Olympic moments over the next few weeks.

PS It was great to see some familiar Solomon Islands faces briefly..brought back good memories for me walking out on the MCG at the 2006 Commonwealth Games..spine-tingling experiences.

A vehicle of health (not a picture!)

Rossco's Reflections

What a great week it has been for AndFITT Healthy Lifestyle Coaching..thanks to all my supporters, friends and advisors who have helped me advance my practice. As you are aware I am becoming more and more passionate about the health crisis that each individual is facing or potentially will face in their lives.

Today's highlights including getting back into the pool as I prepare for the Townsville Triathlon Festival, talking on Skype to my peer coach & new friend Lloyd in America, lunching with a good friend to discuss business opportunities & synergies in the park and playing with my new logo...thanks Tony for your creativity and patience!

I am incredibly grateful for me health & want to be support my fellow human beings on their respective journeys...after all having your health is a 'vehicle' which allows you to achieve and experience other great things life has to offer...otherwise try thinking about it when its gone.

Rossco's Rant

Australia is now one of the fattest nations in the world with an estimated 4 million obese and 5 million overweight people. Not bad out of 23 odd million. 

I wonder where the Aussie sporting nation has gone as we line up for the greatest sporting event in the world (the Olympics in case you hadn't heard)....where in the Games Complex 'temporarily'* resides the world's largest fast food restaurant (resplendent with its Golden Arches ) ............seems ironic...........let the (weight) Gains (Games) begin.

*Extracted from Daily Mail online http://www.dailymail.co.uk

Mammoth McDonald's: An exterior view of the world's largest fast food restaurantAt 3,000 sq ft the building, next to the Olympic Stadium, is bigger than the current largest McDonald’s, in Moscow.
The Russian restaurant will regain its title on September 9, however, when the London branch is bulldozed after the Paralympics closing ceremony.
Altogether they will serve 1.75million meals in 29 days, with Britons accounting for an estimated 85 per cent of customers.
The main restaurant will offer some of the best views across the Olympic Park from its first-floor balcony, which can seat 150 customers. The vast two storey restaurant will serve up to 1200 customers per hour and sell $5 million dollars of fast food during the Games.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Collaboration makes the world a better place for all

Today has been a great day. Started with an early morning Tabata session, a bike ride and breakfast in the sun. 

This afternoon I received some great advice from a new colleague on business marketing and he is following my health coaching advice and made some positive changes to his diet and exercise patterns and is already feeling better after a few days. The body is a magic machine capable of repairing itself if nourished properly.

So collaboration works & has untold positive ripple effects. 

Plus I have 4 speaking engagements booked over the next few months which will provide excellent opportunities to promote my health coaching messages..so I am grateful to all for your support (including the Universe). 

Hope you like this caption..

Cheers Rossco, 

Getting better not older

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Offensive or reality: (or is a picture worth a 1000 words)

This is what is under those skin folds around many Australians and millions of other people worldwide..what do you think?...do graphic pictures help get the message across or not?...I'd love to hear you reaction.

This image is from the Western Australian Government's Livelighter campaign and has sparked some debate.

Check the site out for yourself www.livelighter.com.au 

There is a short TV commercial reminding us of the connection between the pizza and the storage of fat around the vital organs http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-07-24/watch-the-livelighter-toxic-fat-ad/4149900

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Globesity: globalisation gone wrong

Globesity: another new word for us to try & digest (excuse the pun).

I have just finished watching an authoritative documentary on the global obesity epidemic (Foreign Correspondent ABC 1). The program focused on the astronomical growth in obesity in Mexico, Brazil, China and India. All countries have been deliberately targeted by the multi-national food companies (Nestle, Kellogs, MacDonalds,  Domino's Coca Cola & Pepsi) and this is where these companies expect to get their future growth & profits. (see Prof. Marion Nestle's insightful comments).

But at what cost?

It is depressing to see the suffering on the local people who are the targets & victims of this deliberate marketing strategy. To see a local Mexican woman breast feeding while drinking a bottle of Coke, a young adult having his second lot of stomach surgery (at $20,000 per operation) after, babies being pre-programmed in the womb, rampant diabetes in Chinese youth and the manipulation of the food distribution system is heartbreaking.

It causes me to pause and be grateful that I am health coach, have had the opportunity to 'see beyond the advertising' and it only makes me more determined to be part of the Institute of Integrative Nutrition 100 000 global health coaches needed campaign to recruit globally 100 000 health coaches to help 'turn the tide' and create the 'Ripple' that is needed to counter this global epidemic.

As Dr Mark Hyman [TEDMED]quoted on TEDMED [April 2012, Washington DC].."we ate our way into this position and we can eat our way out of it".........

Care to join the campaign & join me as a health coach? We would love your support.


Getting better, not older (and today more angry & determined to do something!)

Monday, 23 July 2012

Mov'em out

Did you realise we evolved to walk & run around 20 km per day...way back in our African days a few hundred thousand years ago as we emerged from the jungles & learned to stand up & then run? What an amazing body we have.

Reading the Weekend Australian for a few moments over my past weekend, there is a great article titled "Too much inactivity is killing us" which describes how little exercise with around 40% of us completely inactive. some of us mildly active & only a few very active...seems we Aussies as John Clarke tells us have gone from being a nation of sporting people to a nation of watching it...

So with the Olympics on the door step I am inspired to get outside & go for a walk..so this it for today..a short punchy blog post followed by an enjoyable walk along the Ross River..move'em out!

Getting better, not older. Rossco

Saturday, 21 July 2012

Suspending my judgement = unexpected results

Can I ask you to try this?

Next time you walk out of shopping centre. see how quickly you brain scans the people you can see & works out who could potentially hurt you..it is only a few milliseconds..it shows how brilliant our ancient brain can scan, decide on the threat level & prepare us for action..fight, flight or freeze.

But as with everything there is a downside to this instant protection-surveillance system. It can deny us the opportunity to look beyond that initial judgement.

Reading Chip Conley’s blog post yesterday on his account of his week-long retreat & he mentioned that ‘he looked at an overweight lady & was immediately joined by his old friend, judgement’. [ I suggest you read it as it has a great ending filled with humanity].

So today I tried something as I was walking home from a brilliant day (another blog post topic) & there was this couple putting away their dozens of concrete garden ornaments that they sell. 

Now I am not drawn to such things & having driven past heaps of time had already formed my ‘judgement of the type of people who love garden gnomes, pink concrete flamingos & indigenous people standing on one leg holding a spear’.

But with Chip’s message ringing in my ear I stopped & decided to talk to them……..guess what I found out……the couple do it for ‘love’, painting them for R. is ‘therapy’ for him instead of taking heavy duty painkillers [due to a bad traffic accident], school kids come there & learn about animals & at times their place acts as ‘temporary safe house for lost children in the neighbourhood (for which the Police are grateful for).

So what is my lesson?:  learn to suspend my instant judgement, look beyond, ask questions, listen & be amazed what I can learn about the people who inhabit this amazing planet.

Getting better, not older.


Friday, 20 July 2012

How amazingly connected we all are!

Fried-day feelings: 

Upon reflection it has been another big week for AndFITT [Healthy] Lifestyle Coaching.

  • meetings with a graphic designer, 
  • enhancing my business name by the addition of 'Healthy' [thanks Ian],
  • supporting my new and existing clients as they work towards their health goals, 
  • the thrill of getting my first a comment on one of my earlier blog posts (all the way from the UK..I was thrilled), 
  • signing up to Spotify to have 1000s of songs & 100s of genres at my finger tips,
  • listening to the Six Seconds Global EQ Conference speakers,
  • catching up for dinner with great friends from Vanuatu days & reminiscing...

All of these things make me grateful for my life's journey so far and very excited about my future.

Chip Conley writing in his new book Emotional Equations has given me a great new formula to live by:
Joy = Love -Fear

Where, if you choose to reduce your fear and expand your love, the natural consequence is increased 'joy of life'..sounds like a great formula to live by. Thanks Chip!

What will you choose? Love or fear? 

Because it appears to me we are all either running away from something or towards something. 

Which way are you running in your life at present? Please let know.

Getting better, not older.


Thursday, 19 July 2012

Happiness & gratitude: what would your life be like if.....

Please ask yourself this question:

What precious gift would I miss if it was taken / went missing from my life? Your health, your eyesight, your mobility, your freedom to choose?

If the answer hits you like a tonne of bricks..please value it now and be very grateful for it as you go along on your life journey.

Getting better not older,


PS Just heading off to have dinner with great friends who I have not seen for years..that is something I would miss.......my friends and family.

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Staggering thought about you & how amazing YOU really are

Please STOP for a nano-second.

Have you ever? ........I mean really really ever stopped and realised how amazing & unique you are?

With 7 billion of us on the planet, not one of us is identical..even identical twins have subtle differences.

I have just finished watching a TED video on cancer.

Each of us has somewhere between 10 - 70 trillion cells in our body.........that is a lot of cells [70, 000, 000, 000, 000 cells x 7 000, 000, 000 people which  all start from a fertilised egg]...........boggles my mind...and fried my calculator.


I met a great graphic designer who managed to understand my mind maps today..for that I am very grateful....now to develop my 'brand'....including adding a new word which adds greater meaning to me business name..stay tuned.

I hope your journey today has continued to be good.

Getting better every day, not older!

PS I will be posting tomorrow about change & the various stages of it we all find ourselves in as we progress through life...change can cause eustress or distress.. fascinating.

Monday, 16 July 2012

Hat’s off to our overworked doctors

Details of an Australian Medical Association report released recently revealed the incredible hours some doctors are working in our hospitals. A 7-day study in August 2011 showed the maximum hours worked per week increased from 113 in 2006 to 120 in 2011 and the longest recorded shift went for 43 hours!

Our doctors are wonderful but still humans and it is scary to think of the effects such long hours are on them not to mention the patients. 

My real concern is that is it ever going to be any different? 

With the expected increase in lifestyle diseases to impact all sectors of society (like type II diabetes showing up in younger people, increasing obesity rates, the ongoing effects of cancer and heart disease).

You all know my advice: 

Invest in your health every day…fresh foods, plenty of water and 30 minutes of moderate exercise..

I reckon it is a good return on investment..do a bit every day & I get to be fit and healthy when I am 100 years young. Good deal.

Invitation still stands:

What is on your mind? Give me a yell…or tell me on a scale of 1-10 how you are feeling today..love to hear from people who want to be part of the ‘healthy vibrant tribe’.

Feedback welcomed: please share your thoughts with us. I would love to be part of your ‘life journey’.

Cheers Rossco

Here is my new tag ‘Getting better, not older’ 

LIKE it? Please LIKE it on my AndFITT Lifestyle Coaching Facebook page. Thanks!

Friday, 13 July 2012

You can’t turn back the clock but you can wind it up!

I was inspired by the Diabetes Queensland presentation I attended this morning. Well done to Dianne & Jess for the professional & passionate way you delivered the vital messages associated with Diabetes Awareness Week.

1 in 4 people are estimated to have or will have type II diabetes over the next decade. A totally avoidable dis-EASE. 

If you want to get a global perspective on the scale of the diabetes epidemic we are facing go to the TEDMED.com site & watch Dr Mark Hyman’s presentation. Dr Hyman is one of the USA’s foremost doctors & has advised President Obama on health care issues in America. He has a great style & very compelling story to tell, especially his ‘skinny chicken story’ in Haiti after the devastating earthquake.

NB: TED.com is an inspiring site all-round if you want to be uplifted by your fellow human beings.

Mum’s deserve attention 2!

Today I also met with 2 very energetic young businesswomen who are developing ‘chic nappy bags for the modern woman’ (check out totalbagenvy.com.au) for their great products. We ‘brain-stormed’ & laughed over ‘health & fitness programs for young & busy Mum’s’ which came up with a heap of ideas..so if any Mum’s are reading this blog & have some suggestions please contact me…we developed some hilarious routines to allow Mum’s from free / escape..like doing ‘dips in the dunny’, baby squats etc..I can see a whole new circuit class coming from this!

Downtime is well deserved.

In the meantime have a great weekend & I am on my bike this weekend plus taking in some cool jazz on The Strand on Sunday afternoon. Gotta love life….especially when you have abundant energy.

At 55 I feel more alive than ever..and looking forward to the next 55 cos’ I still have heaps to do & see.

Please contact me if you want a hand ‘winding up your clock’..I have a great key available to you..it will change your life for the better I can assure you.


Thursday, 12 July 2012

Unexpected learning opportunities: if you are open to them]

I had another valuable life lesson reinforced for me today.. that it pays to stay open & to listen because ‘everyone has a compelling personal story to tell’ and you never know how or when the opportunity will arise.

By listening to that persons’ story comes a deeper sense of connection, something we as humans crave (just look at the growth of Facebook and the other social media). Connection gives us meaning. A sense of belonging, being part of the tribe, something Abe Maslow recognised in his ‘Hierarchy of Needs’.

By actively listening today it gave me a great insight into the challenges some people have with their daily health. Stress, elevated blood pressure, poor sleeping patterns, sacrifices mothers make for their children [often at the expense of themselves] are typical things I get told in such conversations.
Interestingly most people know and recognise these issues. The big challenge for most of the people I talk to is how to develop a strategy to improve their health and implement it i.e. finding time for ‘you’ each day for exercise [and not feeling guilty about it, which is another blog post topic].

As a health coach and personal fitness trainer it is exactly what I specialise in…helping people develop strategies and supporting them as the implement them..it is a truly satisfying role.
PS As Diabetes Awareness Week comes to a close, I again urge each of us to find time for ourselves. As Diabetes Australia points out ‘we can prevent the severity of accidents by wearing set belts, drownings by wearing life jackets etc. When will you start investing in yourself? Please let me know.

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Triple D: diabetes and [Vitamin] D deficiency

Not its not a new radio station but very recent research indicating a link between Vitamin D deficiencies and diabetes….try saying that fast 3 times.

The recent US Endocrine Society’s 94th Annual General meeting in Houston found interesting relationships between where a low level of vitamin D in the blood and the presence of the metabolic syndrome, which is a group of risk factors that increases the risk of heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. People with the highest blood levels of vitamin D had a 48 percent lower risk of having the metabolic syndrome than did those with the lowest vitamin D levels, the authors reported.

“This association has been documented before, but our study expands the association to people of diverse racial and ethnic backgrounds,” said the lead author, Joanna Mitri, MD, a research fellow at Tufts Medical Center in Boston

More scary is the startling amount of people with abnormally high blood sugar levels, known as pre-diabetes. It is estimated 79 million Americans ages 20 or older out of  population of approximately 320 million (figures from the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention).

A similar situation is probably emerging within Australia given the growing obesity rates and increasing cases of diabetes (some 275 people per day or 100,000 per year as quoted by Diabetes Australia).

Many people are unaware of the symptoms of diabetes. They are

·         feeling more tired than usual

·         urinating more often

·         blurred vision

·         dry & itchy skin

·         slow healing sores

·         leg cramps

·         tingling and numb feet

Preventative measures include

·         Be aware of meal portion sizes

·         Chew slower

·         Maintain a healthy waist measurement (men less than 94 cm, women less than 80 cm)

·         Drink more water and less alcohol (empty calories)

·         Eat real food (food grown by a plant NOT made in a plant)

·         Get active 30 minutes 5 times per week

Tip to remember: diabetes is a preventable lifestyle disease..it can be prevented by each of us…if we take responsible action.

Tuesday, 10 July 2012

Devastating diabetes.

The sad & unnecessary impact of type II diabetes.

Who do you rely for your health? Now? In the future?

This week is Diabetes Awareness Week and with the rapid increase in type II diabetes it is worth reminding ourselves of the devastating effects of diabetes.

For starters

·         Kidney function failure:  fancy be tied to a dialysis machine every few days…….means you won’t be able to travel far….probably have to shelve the Grey Nomad dream.

·         Eye damage: 1 in 6 diabetics people develop eye damage:  tends to make watching TV a challenge.

·         Stroke: impaired movement, memory loss. Debilitating, frustrating and permanent impact.

·         Heart disease: enough said on Australia’s #1 killer disease.

·         Limb amputation:  what to be able to chase the grand kids? How will you go on 1 leg?

The big disconnect…………..

I am not sure what it takes to get people to look in the mirror, take personal responsibility, think about what and how much goes in their mouth or to find time to 30 minutes of brisk exercise each day.

To me it’s a no-brainer: exercise, eat real foods and not too much (thanks Mr Pollan), reduce sugar intake or…alternatively take tablets, be a burden to others and have a severely reduced ‘quality of life if diabetes catches up with you.

A few simple steps seems to be the answer.

If losing around 3-4 kgs is enough to avoid you going from pre-diabetic to full blown diabetes wouldn’t it be worth a subtle and simple lifestyle change?

In the USA, in 2010, the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention, in partnership with a national health insurer and the YMCA, launched the National Diabetes Prevention Program for people at high risk for developing Type 2 diabetes.

The program is based on a study in which participants who learned to eat more healthfully and exercised at least 150 minutes/week (5 days x 30 mins/day) reduced their weight by 5 to 7 percent  reduced their risk of developing diabetes by 58 percent!! Not a bad return on investment in my books.

So if not for yourself, at least consider the other people in your life who may have to end up caring for you.

I’d be really interested to hear from you if you can throw any light on this ‘disconnection’.

To your continued good health, Rossco

Monday, 9 July 2012

Diabetes Awareness week: stay tuned for scary news

Just a reminder: please read my post later today.

BTW...did you realise even losing as little as 3 kgs can help you avoid becoming a type II diabetic....also take a look at a diseased eye...which will you choose?

Healthy eye
Damaged by diabetes

Sunday, 8 July 2012

July resolutions & gratitude

Greetings to a new and exciting week!

Firstly, I want to share about the wonderful energising experiences I had over the weekend and express my gratitude for them!
Last week was a great week for AndFITT Lifestyle Coaching & ended with a wonderful warm later afternoon solo ride up the Hervey Range and a great ride to Bushland Beach on Sunday morning.

Then for 24 hrs I was exposed to some amazing people during the first 6 Seconds Virtual Global Emotional Intelligence (aka EQ) 24 hour conference. Peter Salovey, Daniel Goleman, David Rock, Chip Conley were amongst some of the experts doing cutting edge research about the brain & its behaviour, the vital importance of EQ/EI in relationships, our deep intrinsic need for ‘social connection’ etc. Totally energising despite the lack of sleep!
Also want to express my sincere thanks for the following:

-the support I am getting as I continue to develop my health coaching business (from the marketing guru’s, social media experts, my fellow health coaches from the amazing Institute of Integrative Nutrition, my friends, my family, business people, doctors etc). I would love to mention them in person but respect their privacy..but you know who you are!!
- the trust people are placing me as I support them on their journey towards their optimal health especially my new clients; again you know who you are.

- the technology that let’s us connect worldwide.
- reconnecting with an old Solomon Islands friend for a chat & leisurely Sunday afternoon cup of tea!

Today has been great with more good things continuing to happen for me as I pursue with passion my new career….stay tuned.
In the meantime, if you are contemplating improving your health…you know what to do..contact me. Rossco

PS It is not too late to do something about your New Financial Year's Resolution!!

Thursday, 5 July 2012

The power of 30

Decisions, decisions, decisions: to blog or exercise.

I could go for a 60 minute bike ride on a beautiful day or sit and punch out 200 words on exercise and do an intense 30 minute Tabata workout..so I made a choice as I wanted to do both and proves I can do both if I am flexible and apply lateral thinking.

What an amazing effect 30 minutes invested in moderate to vigourous activity can have on your entire day, week, life for that matter. Exercise stimulates the brain, fires up the immune system (good for this cold weather), improves blood sugar levels, reduces blood pressure, cholesterol, stress, depresssion and helps reduce weight...all seem fairly beneficial outcomes to me.

Moving has always been part of our evolution....we evolved to be 'mover's' (and some of us 'shaker's as well) constantly on the look-out for food..for 200,000 plus years we have evolved to 'move'. The amazing recent BBC series called The Origins of Us clearly pointed described our evolutionary path and How to Green a Planet saw us 'stand up and grow tall'.

It seems back in the day we were walking 20 kms per day hunting and gathering, looking for prey & also avoiding being prey for other animals (hence our amazing 'lizard brain' that protects us from danger but that is another blog topic)..but these days it seems we have lost the desire to move and consequently lost all the positive benefits it brings us...worse it seems we have become a whole lot heavier which adds to the disincentive to move..........

So in 60 years we have managed to now have more 'overnourished' people in the world than under-nourished'...quite a feat if you excuse the pun but our feet have suffered and become less used as a result...more cars, less walking, more food, less chewing....all manifesting as chronic lifestyle diseases including the rapid escalation to the totally preventable type II diabetes.

So how much exercise is needed?

Any is better than none..good.

5 x 30 minute sessions  per week is great & can be broken down into 3 x 10 if you are so time poor not to be able to find a 30 minute block 5 times a week. Mix it up..walk in different places, find other tribal members to move with, do some interval walks between the light poles, get the heart rate up...just move it..for your body's sake.

PS Pushing a shopping trolley around the local supermarket doesn't count as being a hunter and gatherer as far as exercise goes according to my way of thinking..but I could be wrong. 

So my 30 minute blog time is up..time for 30 minutes of Tabata training. Let me know if you want me to design Tabata programs for you..you only need yourself.

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Australia's bulging obesity epidemic

As we approach Diabetes Awareness week (July 10-16) this is a very timely story on the ABC website (see link). 

Statistics don't seem to have much impact on people at a personal level...but in 12.5 years i.e. 2025..over 30% yes that is 1 in 3 people are expected to be obese. 

Plus the other 30+% overweight and potentially obese. Think about that in your immediate family or friends if you want to personalise it.

The cause of obesity can be debated but we can't escape the fact that the majority of Australians are overweight. Do your own survey in the next shopping mall as you walk along.

Diabetes kills people slowly and painfully. The loss of circulation, limbs, eyesight…all are preventable by eating sensibly and doing 30 minutes (4% of your average day spent doing some moderate exercise). 

Surely that is enough incentive to ensure we all live life to the fullest and have the ability to enjoy it....right to our final days.

As a health coach I am amazed at the average person’s total disconnect between disease, food and exercise. It is not rocket science. 

Why is there a ‘disconnect’? Why do we value our amazing body so lightly? I would love to hear your thoughts.

Check out the Diabetes map 1980-2025 infographic if you want to see one 'fat future' for Australia..or choose the other road to health. We all have choices with the natural consequences that follow.

Just imagine how productive and vibrant Australia could be if we all were within our ideal weight range. Physically and mentally.
Its time to stop the 'self harm ' we are inflicting on ourselves and our children. Lets begin to turn the tide. One bite and one step at a time.

In the meantime, if you want to take personal responsibility for your health and not expect a pill for every ill…contact me (rosscohealthcoach@gmail.com). It is never too late to start.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Building my global tribe

When was the last time you talked with someone about your health and received the personal attention you deserve? 

It’s rare for anyone to get an hour to work on their nutrition and goals with a trained professional. As a Health Coach, I create a supportive environment that will enable you to achieve all of your health goals.

I have studied all the major dietary theories and use practical lifestyle coaching methods to guide you in discovering which approach works best for you.

Most approaches to nutrition dwell on calories, carbs, fats, proteins. Instead of creating lists of restrictions and good and bad foods, I coach my clients to create a happy, healthy life in a way that is flexible, fun and free of denial and discipline.

No one diet works for everyone. I will guide you to find the food and lifestyle choices that best support you. I will also help you to make gradual, lifelong changes that enable you to reach your current and future health goals.

Could one conversation change your life? Schedule a free initial consultation with me today!

AndFITT launches on Facebook: check it out & please LIKE me

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