Monday, 16 July 2012

Hat’s off to our overworked doctors

Details of an Australian Medical Association report released recently revealed the incredible hours some doctors are working in our hospitals. A 7-day study in August 2011 showed the maximum hours worked per week increased from 113 in 2006 to 120 in 2011 and the longest recorded shift went for 43 hours!

Our doctors are wonderful but still humans and it is scary to think of the effects such long hours are on them not to mention the patients. 

My real concern is that is it ever going to be any different? 

With the expected increase in lifestyle diseases to impact all sectors of society (like type II diabetes showing up in younger people, increasing obesity rates, the ongoing effects of cancer and heart disease).

You all know my advice: 

Invest in your health every day…fresh foods, plenty of water and 30 minutes of moderate exercise..

I reckon it is a good return on a bit every day & I get to be fit and healthy when I am 100 years young. Good deal.

Invitation still stands:

What is on your mind? Give me a yell…or tell me on a scale of 1-10 how you are feeling to hear from people who want to be part of the ‘healthy vibrant tribe’.

Feedback welcomed: please share your thoughts with us. I would love to be part of your ‘life journey’.

Cheers Rossco

Here is my new tag ‘Getting better, not older’ 

LIKE it? Please LIKE it on my AndFITT Lifestyle Coaching Facebook page. Thanks!

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