Statistics don't seem to have much impact on people at a personal level...but in 12.5 years i.e. 2025..over 30% yes that is 1 in 3 people are expected to be obese.
Plus the other 30+% overweight and potentially obese. Think about that in your immediate family or friends if you want to personalise it.
The cause of obesity can be debated but we can't escape the fact that the majority of Australians are overweight. Do your own survey in the next shopping mall as you walk along.
Diabetes kills people slowly and painfully. The loss of circulation, limbs, eyesight…all are preventable by eating sensibly and doing 30 minutes (4% of your average day spent doing some moderate exercise).
Surely that is enough incentive to ensure we all live life to the fullest and have the ability to enjoy it....right to our final days.
As a health coach I am amazed at the average person’s total disconnect between disease, food and exercise. It is not rocket science.
Why is there a ‘disconnect’? Why do we value our amazing body so lightly? I would love to hear your thoughts.
Check out the Diabetes map 1980-2025 infographic if you want to see one 'fat future' for Australia..or choose the other road to health. We all have choices with the natural consequences that follow.
Just imagine how productive and vibrant Australia could be if we all were within our ideal weight range. Physically and mentally.
In the meantime, if you want to take personal responsibility for your health and not expect a pill for every ill…contact me ( It is never too late to start.
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